Dr. Derm What is it?

Dr. Derm is a daily care cream for sensitive areas of the face and body, heals and prevents exacerbations of psoriasis. The result of this special cream is noticeable from the first application. The drug relieves irritation in a very short time and nourishes the skin very well.

I will answer two main questions at once:


I was actually able to snag Dr. Derm for a steal because of a special discount link that halved the price. It was quite the deal considering how effective this cream has been for me.

Price: 39$ instead of 78$

Click to get 50% discount

Can Dr. Derm be purchased in pharmacies?

As for picking it up at a local pharmacy, thats not an option. Dr. Derm is exclusively available on their official website, which is where I got mine. Its a bit of a bummer if you prefer to shop in person, but the convenience of having it delivered right to your door is a nice consolation.

Where can I buy?
Availability in pharmacies No
Availability in brand pharmacy No
Availability on Amazon No
Official site Go to the official website

My Personal Experience

After struggling with psoriasis for years, finding Dr. Derm felt like a turning point. The chronic itching and flaking started to subside within the first few applications, a relief I hadnt found in other treatments. I remember looking at my skin in the mirror, noticing the plaques begin to fade, replaced by smoother, less inflamed skin.

The natural ingredients, like shea butter and aloe extract, seemed to nourish my skin in a way I hadnt experienced before. Each day, my skin felt more hydrated and resilient. It was not just the physical symptoms that were healing; even the psychological burden began to lift. I no longer felt the need to hide away or feel ashamed during flare-ups.

The fact that the cream was non-addictive and made from natural components was important to me. I was tired of harsh chemicals and the fear of long-term side effects. With Dr. Derm, my skins health was being restored without compromising its integrity.

The journey with psoriasis is deeply personal and often challenging. But with Dr. Derm, I felt like I was finally taking control of my skins health and my wellbeing. Its more than just a cream; its been a beacon of hope for a calmer, more confident life

Also, it seems to me that Dr. Derm has the following pros:
  • Confirmed by doctors
  • Fast shipping
  • Low price
Specifications: 4.8
Price: 4.6
Packing quality: 4.8
Ease of application: 5
Delivery speed: 4.5
Structure: 4.5
Efficiency: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7
Review Date:

Review Update Date:

How does it work?

Its use as the main remedy is due to important properties:
  • effectively relieves psoriasis symptoms at any stage of the disease;
  • suppresses abnormal development of skin cells;
  • prevents recurrence of the disease;
  • provides a high level of control of the repaired skin areas.
Dr. Derm has received positive reviews as an extremely effective psoriasis treatment. It works quickly, and the results of its action are visible in a short time. Relieves irritation, nourishes the skin, prevents inflammation of already healed skin formations. It is a powerful, yet completely safe remedy.

Customer Reviews


Psoriáza začala jako běžný zánět kůže. Svědění začalo, pak se začaly objevovat puchýře, neustálý pocit pálení mě přiváděl k šílenství. Dlouho jsem hledal fungující lék, který by mě co nejdříve zachránil před touto infekcí. Narazil jsem na stránku, kde lidé trpící touto nemocí doporučovali velmi účinný lék - Dr. Derm. Nařídil jsem a začal rozmazávat nemocné oblasti. Po měsíci se mi podařilo zbavit se kožních lézí. Nyní se přidávám k těm, kterým tento krém pomohl.


Je těžké si představit, že existuje takový krém, který mi pomohl navždy zapomenout na psoriázu. O několik dní později, když jsem ho začal používat, jsem cítil znatelnou úlevu a po měsíci jsem na své utrpení zapomněl. Vyzkoušeno na základě vlastní zkušenosti, doporučuji tento krém všem, kteří také trpí psoriázou.


Někdy mám lokální podráždění kůže. Jako prevenci vzniku tak nepříjemného onemocnění, jako je lupénka, používám tento krém. Svědění rychle odezní a pokožka vypadá zdravěji než před použitím krému.


Average rating based on feedback from us and our readers:


Psoriasis is very difficult to cure, so the developers for the effectiveness of Dr. Derm has selected a complex composition from natural ingredients:
  • Dihydroaventramide D, derived from oat extract, has a soothing, antipruritic and softening effect, relieves skin and joint pain;
  • candellil refined wax, derived from young leaves of the anti-syphilitis milkweed found in the desert regions of the southern United States and northern states of Mexico, has antimicrobial properties;
  • Shea butter suppresses inflammation, regulates the sebaceous glands and has a calming and softening effect. This vegetable oil obtained from the fruit of the Vitellaria Paradowa tree has a pasty consistency, whitish color, almost odorless and tasteless. It is used as a moisturizing agent that softens the skin, soothes, gives elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, provides UV protection and gives a beautiful tan;
  • rapeseed oil moisturizes the skin and gradually removes its persistent dryness, has antioxidant properties and nourishes the skin with vitamins and minerals. Its benefits in combating psoriasis are associated with its high content of omega-3 fatty acids;
  • panthenol heals the outer layer of the skin, eliminates itching and associated discomfort, and also stimulates regenerative processes and inhibits peeling.
Information - Dr. Derm
Name Dr. Derm
Official site www.Dr. Derm.com
Price 39$
Storage conditions Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Pharmacy Vacation Terms Without recipe
Payment After receiving
Delivery Country United Kingdom, USA, India. The whole world
Structure Completely natural
Delivery terms 3-10 days
Availability Yes
Customer Reviews Most positive

How to use?

To create a comfortable environment, the body needs to apply a small amount of the cream 1-3 times a day on clean, dry sensitive skin, it is good to use it as an addition to medical care.


Dr. Derm je účinný prostředek k prevenci a léčbě kožních onemocnění, jako je lupénka. Náprava je indikována k použití u nep pustulární a pustulární psoriázy. Může být použit bez ohledu na stádium onemocnění, je vhodný pro muže i ženy.


Krém na psoriázu se skládá z přírodních rostlinných prvků. To umožnilo vytvořit účinný lék, který nemá vedlejší účinky. Výjimkou může být výskyt alergické reakce na určité složky ze složení výrobku. Rovněž jeho účinek na těhotné a kojící ženy nebyl studován.

Expert review

Psoriáza je nepříjemné onemocnění, které je nutné léčit. Dříve existoval samostatný lék pro každý typ a stupeň vývoje onemocnění. Úzce cílená akce však není vždy klíčem k úspěchu v medicíně. Pouze komplexní účinek na příčiny kožních onemocnění může zaručit účinnou léčbu. Dr. Derm je nejúčinnější lék, pomocí kterého můžete nejen vyléčit lupénku v jakékoli fázi průběhu onemocnění, ale také ji použít jako profylaxi. Krém pomáhá zbavit se různých forem lupénky, zmírňuje pocit pálení a vytváří na pokožce ochrannou bariéru. Působí na postižená místa, zabíjí infekce a posiluje místní imunitní systém.


Is Dr. Derm a scam?

We checked this product, ordered it and tested it. According to our data, Dr. Derm is not a hoax, but a quality product.

Is it safe to use?

According to customer reviews, there is no danger to use this product. Consider contraindications and indications for use

How to order Dr. Derm?

It is very simple to order a product: go to the official website, leave your phone number and name there, after which the manager will call you, specify your address and other data and confirm your order.

In which countries sold Dr. Derm?

According to the official website, Dr. Derm is sold in all countries of Europe and Asia.

How long does delivery take?

On average, delivery takes 3-10 days, depending on your address.

Alternatives Dr. Derm